About Us

Village 483/EB is situated on Burewala to Ratta Tibba Road in Tehsil Burewala of District Vehari, Punjab, Pakistan. This village was established in 1928 by British government of India. The village has 45 blocks (25 acres each) of agriculture land. Most of the land owners originally belonged to two villages named Lopowali & Bhage Da Kot from Tehsil Sambrial of District Sialkot. Almost all land owners were Ghuman Jats at that time who migrated here with their workers like barber, blacksmith, shoemaker, carpenter etc. Main reason of this migration was erosion of their native agriculture land. The land was a jungle and they started working in groups. That means people collectively worked and cleared all jungle acre by acre, leveled the lands and made it available for cultivation.  There is a small canal (Rajbah 5L) to for irrigation. Canal system and irrigation water was already there when people took possession of these lands. Cost of 25 acres at that was 100 Indian Rupees and that was to be paid in installment.

In 1947, after participation, many new immigrant families also came to this village and started their new lives. With the passage of time people kept coming and settling in this village due to various reasons and now the population of village must be around 3340. Almost all casts and clans with many new technical capabilities make this village very colorful and resourceful.